UNDER CONSTRUCTION... links are being
The links listed below are of interest to the youth ministers of our
diocese. If there are others you feel should be listed, please send an email to Deb Jacyna with the details.
Youth Ministry Resources
You! Magazine A Magazine for
Catholic Youth
Reach Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry Network
Screen it A review for parents
Development & Peace
St. Vincent de Paul
Habitat for Humanity
Canadian Catholic Campus
Other Sites
The Vatican The Official Site
for the Vatican
Diocese of Nelson Lists of events
and activities for the diocese
World Youth Day Official website for
World Youth Day.
Message WYD 2002 Message of Holy Father to youth of the world on
occasion of XVII World Youth Day... "Dear Young People...."
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Information
from the CCCB and more
Catholic Canada Super site with
lots of resources for youth ministry, events, news etc.